Sunday, February 17, 2008

Second Sunday of Lent

Gn 12:1-4a
2 Tm 1:8b-10
Mt 17:1-9

To come face to face with the Glory of God. To see God as God is. How awe-full, how frightening. Seeing God as God is, this just isn’t something that we mere mortals are ready for. We simply are not ready to handle such glory, yet. But is that not our ultimate goal? To see God face to face? To see God as God truly is? Some will teach that Heaven is sharing in that beatific vision. Peter, James and John get the opportunity to catch just the merest glimpse of that vision and find themselves terrified, prostrate on the ground. Jesus takes them to the mountain top, and there Jesus is changed, transfigured before their undoubtedly amazed eyes. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. As if all of this weren’t frightening enough, Moses and Elijah appear and speak to the transfigured Christ. To top everything off and really do in our intrepid trio, a bright cloud overshadows them from which comes a voice proclaiming, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” They fall to the ground, no longer looking at anything, I am sure. Then the Christ touches them, and assures them, rise, and do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Easier said than done, perhaps. But, in all honesty, why should they have been afraid, and why should we? This is our goal, this is what we seek, to be with God, to see God as God is, to see the real glory that is our salvation. Seeing God as God is not reason to fear, but reason to celebrate! This is what we want, it is that we just aren’t quite ready yet. We need first to do what is asked by the voice coming from the cloud, listen to Him, listen to the Christ. Listening, then acting on what we hear, that will make us ready, one day, ready to bask in the transfigured glory of the Christ, ready to see God as God is, and know that we are home.

Deacon John
Second Sunday of Lent
Feb. 17, 2007

1 comment:

victor said...

Then the Christ touches them, and assures them, rise, and do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Easier said than done, perhaps.

John when I ponder on these words above, I recall when on occasions I believe that Christ touches my weakest link and I then feel like a super man. I hear ya! We call that in reality bipolar so be careful Vic! (lol) Nowadays we all need to be our own psychologist but I
could never manage without Christ’ help. I could write for hours but what good would “IT” do because we’ve all got free will. Every day there’s another let’s call “IT” my lowest common denominator telling me that they are number “One” your god but as usual I keep telling “IT” that sure you are but that’s after “The Trinity.” “I” can not imagine how “Me” and “Myself” can even keep up with “IT.”

I believe that Christ or One or more of His Angels keeps telling "IT" that they don’t stand a chance because all His Little Ones, His Children have been well protected. The Spiritual world belongs to Souls and Spirits and if by accident some of His Little Ones do venture a cross, be careful not to hurt any of them anymore than they've already hurt themselves because what goes around will someday come around again. I hope you get my drift because there’s really not much more that I can say except that the last will be first and the first will be last. Just remember that if you see one of my love ones walking on the insanity line just take a little bit of “IT” home with you and save “IT” for a rainy day.

If any of your readers believe any of this John then they’ll also believe that the end of the world started before Christ was Crucified. I can just imagine some of your readers saying, if you think any body or anybody is going to believe any of this, “You’re C.R.A.Z.Y. Victor” so I better stop now before I literally get carried away and close with “What Will Be, Will Be!”

For those who want to play tag, You're "IT!"

Don’t stop praying for me to Our God cause I'm sure that you'll agree that Our God is an AWESOME GOD.

Until next time, God Bless.